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Natural Herbs

Natural Herbs & Ingredients Used

Nettle – Stimulates circulation, used for years for rheumatoid arthritis, anti-inflammatory (prevents the body from making inflammatory chemicals know as prostaglandin.)  Is a natural pain reliever, and blood builder, is very high in iron, and potassium. 

Hemp Oil - has anti-inflammatory properties to reduce pain.

Aloe Vera – Penetrates, and accelerates healing, pain relief.​

Sunflower Oil – Keeps your skin moisturized and wrinkle-free, the sunflower oil benefits for skin include: It leaves pores unclogged: Sunflower oil is highly absorbent and non-comedogenic.​

Yucca - Great for arthritis, anti-inflammatory.​

Emulsifying Wax – Derived from plants, used as a thickener.​

Basil - Has antispasmodic properties, is a good source of potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium.  It is a natural pain reliever.​

Cayenne/Capsaicin – Aids in circulation, desensitizes nerve endings when applied to the skin acting as a natural pain reliever.​Dandelion – Excellent for arthritis, and osteoarthritis, aids in circulation, and is an anti-inflammatory.

​Peppermint – Improves circulation and is soothing.​

Turmeric – Stimulates circulation​

Wild Yam – Natural pain reliever, excellent for arthritis, and osteoarthritis.​

Ginger – Is an anti-inflammatory, natural pain reliever, and helps blood flow to the surface.​

Rosemary Leaf – Stimulates circulation, and the central nervous system.

​Lobelia – Is a natural pain reliever, very relaxing. When used in conjunctions with cayenne and ginger, it helps push blood in to the area that lobelia relaxes.​

Glycerin – Derived from plants, moisturizes.​

Licorice – May aid in tissue re-growth, aids in circulation, is very soothing.

​Valerian – Relaxes muscles, allowing for better blood flow when added to cayenne, and ginger.​

Grapeseed Oil – It is ant-inflammatory.​

Tea Tree Oil – Aids in absorption, is a natural preservative.

​Lavender – Very soothing, natural pain reliever, anti-inflammatory properties.​

Citric Acid – Is plant based, and is a thickener.​

Wintergreen – Is a natural pain reliever, and aids in absorption of the ointment.​

Yarrow – Was used by Native Americans to strengthen muscles, is anti-inflammatory, is a natural pain reliever, anti-spasmodic, aids in rheumatism, heals wounds.​

Red Raspberry Leaf – High in iron, aid in circulation.​

Green Tea – Strengthens cellular DNA.​

Black Tea – Studies have linked black tea to helping combat osteoporosis, the brittle bone disease.​

Celery Seed – Aids with various types of arthritis.

​Germall Plus - Preservative

​Coconut – Used as base​

Steric Acid – Derived from plants, used as a thickener.​

Distilled Water - Pure water, no minerals or outside contaminants.​

Lidocaine - local anesthetics​

Horseradish - helps to stimulate blood flow to both the surface of the skin and beneath it.​

CBD - help to reduce pain by acting on a variety of biological processes in the body. ​

Wild Lettuce -  has calming, relaxing, and pain relieving effects.​

Sichuan Pepper - works to relieve pain because it contains chemicals that can bind to the pain receptors. ​

Jojoba oil - is effective in treating and reliving pains of polyarthritis, rheumatic pains, arthralgia, and spondylitis.

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